I am Raquel Remis
My name is Raquel Remis and I have been accompanying children, young people and adults on their journey to learn and improve their English. I am always attentive to educational, technological and social changes in order to keep up to date with the real needs of my students.
As Rita Pierson said in a TED talk "Kids don't learn from people they don't like" and I couldn't agree more with her; we won't learn if we don't find empathy and motivation in the person who teaches us. That is why each student is the protagonist of THEIR class, where they will find support, motivation and quality methodology in a safe environment.
Llevo impartiendo clases de inglés más de una década ayudando a jóvenes y adultos a alcanzar sus metas y lograr todos sus objetivos.
Parte de mi filosofía como profesional recae en la innovación y la adaptación a los nuevos tiempos y tecnologías, es por ello que hace tiempo que tomé la decisión de impartir clases de manera telemática.
Un sistema más cómodo, flexible y fácil de utilizar que combinado con una pedagogía adaptada y práctica ha conseguido que cientos de alumnos hablen inglés.
Si estás pensando en mejorar tu nivel de inglés, conseguir un título oficial o no perder la práctica con el idioma, no lo dudes más y contacta conmigo.

I am Raquel Remis
My name is Raquel Remis and I have been accompanying children, young people and adults on their journey to learn and improve their English. I am always attentive to educational, technological and social changes in order to keep up to date with the real needs of my students.
As Rita Pierson said in a TED talk "Kids don't learn from people they don't like" and I couldn't agree more with her; we won't learn if we don't find empathy and motivation in the person who teaches us. That is why each student is the protagonist of THEIR class, where they will find support, motivation and quality methodology in a safe environment.